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M18 x 1 Ultrasonic Sensor - Barrel, Analogue, PNP Output, 80 → 1200 mm Detection, IP67, M12 - 4...
Through Beam (Emitter) Photoelectric Sensor with Block Sensor, >3 m Detection Range...
Optical Photoelectric Sensor with L Shaped Sensor, >0.5 mm Detection Range...
M18 x 1 Ultrasonic Sensor - Barrel, PNP Output, 80 → 1200 mm Detection, IP67, M12 - 4 Pin Terminal...
Inductive Sensor - Block, PNP Output, 2 mm Detection, IP65, Cable Terminal...
Through Beam (Fork) Photoelectric Sensor with Fork Sensor, >0.3 mm Detection Range...
Inductive Sensor - Block, PNP, NPN Output, 21 mm Detection, IP67, IO-Link, M12 - 4 Pin Terminal...
Through Beam (Fork) Photoelectric Sensor with Fork Sensor, >0.5 mm Detection Range...
Inductive Sensor - Block, 15 mm Detection, IP65, M20 Gland Terminal...
M12 x 1 Inductive Sensor - Barrel, PNP, NPN Output, 1.5 mm Detection, IP65, IP66, IP67, IP68, IP69K,...
M30 x 1.5 Capacitive sensor - Barrel, PNP Output, 40 mm Detection, IP65, IP67, IP69K, IO-Link, M12 - 4...
Diffuse Photoelectric Sensor with Block Sensor, 2 → 200 mm Detection Range...
Incremental Encoder 10000 ppr IO-Link, Hollow Shaft, ROP520...
M12 x 1 Inductive Sensor - Barrel, PNP, NPN Output, 7 mm Detection, IP68, M12 - 4 Pin Terminal...
M18 x 1 Ultrasonic Sensor - Barrel, PNP Output, 80 → 1200 mm Detection, IP67, M12 - 4 Pin Terminal...
Through Beam (Fork) Photoelectric Sensor with Fork Sensor, >0.5 mm Detection Range...
M18 x 1 Ultrasonic Sensor - Barrel, Analogue, PNP Output, 200 → 2200 mm Detection, IP67, M12 - 5...
Retroreflective Photoelectric Sensor with Barrel Sensor, 50 mm → 2 m Detection Range...
Diffuse Photoelectric Sensor with Block Sensor, 1 → 30 mm Detection Range...
M18 x 1 Inductive Sensor - Barrel, PNP, NPN Output, 12 mm Detection, IP67, M12 - 4 Pin Terminal...