If you are looking for price information about Omron Switch, Relay, Sensor product types, you can reach our company representatives by phone or whatsapp immediately and get detailed information. Then, our customer representatives will start the cargo operations immediately with the price information given to you.
Diffuse Photoelectric Sensor with Barrel Sensor, 100 mm Detection Range...
Diffuse Photoelectric Sensor with Barrel Sensor, 1 m Detection Range...
Reflective Photo Interrupter, EE-SB5 Series, Phototransistor, Panel Mount, 5 mm, 50 mA, 4 Vr
Output: Phototransistor
Inductive Proximity Sensor, Cylindrical, E2E Series, M4, 1.2 mm, PNP-NO, 10 V to 30 V, Pre-wired
Output: PNP
M18 x 1 Inductive Sensor - Barrel, NPN Output, 5 mm Detection, IP67, M12 - 4 Pin Terminal...
Transmissive Photo Interrupter, Phototransistor, SMD, 3 mm, 0.5 mm, 25 mA, 5 V
Output: Phototransistor
Type Optical
Output: Quadrature (Incremental)
Pulse: 200
Voltage: 12V ~ 24V
Actuator: 8mm Dia Flatted End
Type Optical
Output: Quadrature with Index (Incremental)
Pulse: 1200
Voltage: 5V ~ 12V
Actuator: 8mm Dia Flatted End
Clear Object Detection Photoelectric Sensor with Barrel Sensor, 100 → 500 mm Detection Range...
M12 x 1 Inductive Sensor - Barrel, NPN Output, 8 mm Detection, IP67, Cable Terminal...
M12 x 1 Inductive Sensor - Barrel, NPN Output, 4 mm Detection, IP67, Cable Terminal...
Diffuse Photoelectric Sensor with Barrel Sensor, 300 mm Detection Range...
Inductive Proximity Sensor, Cylindrical, E2B Series, M8, 4 mm, PNP-NO, 10 V to 30 V, Pre-wired
Output: PNP
Inductive Proximity Sensor, Cylindrical, E2A Series, M8, 4 mm, PNP-NO, 10 V to 32 V, Pre-wired
Output: PNP
Diffuse Photoelectric Sensor with Barrel Sensor, 100 mm Detection Range...
0.15 A SP-NC Solid State Relay, DC, Surface Mount, MOSFET, 350 V ac Maximum Load...
M12 x 1 Magnetic Proximity Sensor - Barrel, 10 mm Detection, IP67, Cable Terminal...
Type Optical
Output: BCD (Absolute)
Pulse: 6
Voltage: 12V ~ 24V
Actuator: 8mm Dia Flatted End
Photoelectric Sensor, E3Z-LL Series, 300 mm, Distance Settable, PNP, 12 Vdc to 24 Vdc
Output: PNP Open Collector
Through Beam (Emitter and Receiver) Photoelectric Sensor with Block Sensor, 60 m Detection Range...